Search Results: "dami"

5 February 2017

Iustin Pop: Short rant/review of La La Land

Warning: Spoilers below. Rant below. Much angry, MANY ALL-CAPS. You've been warned! So, today we went to see "La La Land", because I've heard good things about it, and because I do enjoy good musicals. And because of this, I wrote this post, instead of what I originally had in mind (related to kernel configuration). Was it a good movie? Definitely yes. Was it a good musical? So and so. Did I like the ending? HELL NO, over and over NO. The movie itself was much better than I expected. I don't read plot details in advance nor real reviews, so I expected more of a musical, and less of a good plot. But the movie had a very good plot. Two young people, striving to fulfil their artistic dreams, fall in love, and they fight through-sometimes helping, sometimes hindering each other until, finally, each gets their own breakthrough, etc. The choice of actress was spot on halfway through the movie, I was thinking that I can't imagine the same plot played by a different actress. Of course many other actresses could have played the part, but Emma Stone played so well, I have trouble seeing the same character with the same always half-happy, half-sad attitude. The choice of actor was I think OK at first I was in doubt, but he played also well. Or maybe it was just that I couldn't identify with him at first. Not that I identify well with artists in general The dance scenes were OK, and the singing good, but as I said, the musical part was secondary to the actual struggles of the characters. The movie itself was, technically, very well done; a lot of filming was in bars/clubs/locations with difficult lighting, and the shooting was very good. They also had a scene on a pier, looking towards the ocean and the setting sun, and the characters walking towards the beach so heavily back-lighted, and I kept thinking "If I get only one shot this perfectly exposed and colour correct(ed), I'm happy". So high notes here. Back to the plot. The story of how she and him fought their own struggles was very nicely told. Tick-tack, up and down (hope and rejection), leaning on the other to get morale back, is a captivating story. The cliff-hanger at the pre-end with her career, the going back home, the last minute save, all very well told. So at this stage, I would have given the movie a 9/10. And I was happy. Then we have the usual "one character has to go away to a far away country for a long time", except in this case it was just 4 months. And they have the usual discussion "what do we do with our relation, where do we take it", and she says "I will always love you", to which he replies "And I will too" (or equivalent). In my mind, this means they'll have to survive during the break, they'll have to also survive through his touring months/years, but in the end love will be stronger. Because this is what the movie told us until now, that she made it because of him, and he made it because of her. Neither of them would have been this strong without the other (he wouldn't have picked up the invitation from his old pal, she wouldn't have gone to the final audition request nor write the play which got her the audition/recognition). Estimated movie ending: awesome. And then something happens. The timeline jumps 5 years in the future (as expected), and she is famous, married (WITH SOMEONE ELSE) and happy mother of a 3-year old. Through fate, she and her husband enter the club of Sebastian (as he also fulfilled his dream), she and Sebastian see each other, he plays their song, during which we're served a re-run of the movie but in stupid "everything goes well" style (all bad events eliminated), in which it is she and Sebastian who enter the club (which belongs now to somebody else), and then we're back in real time, song ends, she and her husband leave, but before that she and Sebastian exchange one last smile, THE END. And I'm sitting there, not believing my eyes. WHAT THE? So I get home, not write this post for four hours to calm down, but I can't. Because this doesn't make sense. AT ALL. What does the internet say? Quoting from this CNN article, written exactly today. The director says:
"That ending was there from the get-go," [director Damien Chazelle] told CNN in a recent interview. "I think I just have a thing about love stories where the lovers don't wind up together at the end; I find it very romantic."
Huh, excuse me?
"I think there's a reason why most of the greatest love stories in history don't end with happily ever after," Chazelle said. "To me, if you're telling a story about love, love has to be bigger than the characters." Chazelle sees Mia and Sebastian's love as a "third character" and something that "lives on." "[The ending gives] you that sense that even if the relationship itself might be over in practical terms, the love is not over," he said. "The love lasts, and I think that's just a beautiful kind of thing."
OH FOR THE LOVE OF. This is a wishy-washy explanation that tries to approach the thing from the artistic side. No, this is bullshit, because of multiple things. Let me try to roll back and explain what I think was the intention.
  1. An earlier fight between Mia and Sebastian points to the fact that they're both very dedicated to their careers, and this means it's hard for them to stay together if they both chase their dream. He has to be on tour, and she has to rehearse for her play, so they won't see each other for at least two weeks (in this instance). Later, she calls him and leaves a message that she hasn't seen him in a while (complex scene which ends in another fight, which is very well done). So we see the conflict that seems to say "You can't have a relation of equals; one party has to give up their dream". While this might be partially true in the real world, I don't go to movies to see the real world.
  2. After the year-long window into their life, I can't think that either Sebastian or Mia can be really successful without the other; because they are so alike, so passionate about their dreams, that a normal person wouldn't be able to understand and push the other when they need. However, the ending show both Mia and Sebastian quite successful, so one has to wonder: did they make it alone? Sebastian seems so (we don't see a partner for him), Mia unclear, likely not. How did Sebastian get through? What did Mia find in her husband?
  3. This is very one-sided, since I'm a man, so bear with me: Sebastian helped Mia through her tough time. Once she got the breakthrough (and they split), she found somebody else, and I have to wonder in what circumstances they met. In the sense that maybe her husband only knew "successful Mia" and not "struggling/aspiring Mia". Her husband seems completely oblivious to all the eye contact between Mia and Sebastian in the club, seems to know Sebastian/about Sebastian not. How deep is their relation?
  4. This is still one sided, sorry. When they break up (before Mia leaves for Paris), Sebastian asks "so where do we go from here?". Mia says "Nowhere". He asks once more, she rejects him again. So after one year of mad love and cries and happy moments, he gives up over two sentences? He's been following his dream (proper Jazz) in spite of all downturns in life until then, but he gives up on his real love over this? It doesn't make sense; trying to identify my self with the character, I can't reconcile this scene at all, unless he didn't really love her.
So no, I don't see them ending apart as romantic. I see it as the director is saying "You can't have both love and your [career] dreams. Choose either.", and he gives the "love" fake ending in the mini-re-roll of the movie, and the "career" wrong ending in the actual ending. And worse, he does it by negating significant parts of the character development done until now. Moreover, this conclusion is wrong. Wrong because this is a movie, and if movies don't manage to make you dream that you can achieve all, if movies tell you "choose either", then all is lost. Their love is not a separate character; them struggling to find each other in the successful phase of their life, learning to adapt to the new "he" and "she", would be the third thing. As it was shown, their love is simply a young love, that can't really survive the changes in life; they each said "I'll love you forever", but with this ending it sounds more "I'll cherish the memory of young you forever". Or differently said, it sounded like a cheap excuse to use when ending their relationship, in order to not negate the relationship itself. My version of the movie is another half hour long. It explains how Sebastian get over the "only jazz is pure old jazz" and manages to build a successful business around his old-style-but-modern jazz, instead of the pop-style jazz of the touring band (while thinking about her). It explains how Mia becomes a successful actress and gets over her first/second movies (while thinking about him), because one movie doesn't make one really successful (that reminds me: 3 year old child after 5 year forward-jump? when/how did her career go?). Hell, make it even more bitter show how their correspondence starts strong but becomes more and more sporadic over time, dying after the first 2 years. Show how both of them try other relations, and not find the same spark that they had before. And then, after they have matured, they meet again. And, just like the first time, they fall for each other, once again. She for his music, him for her passion for acting/for acting itself. She finds that him naming his club after her suggestion is oh-so-grown-up-and-sweet, he is happy that she finally grew into what he saw in her from the beginning. And he sings their song once more. But no. I'm not an artist, so I can only get the "die hope die die die love because I can" version. I still recommend the movie, but not the "after 5 years" scenes. Also, I didn't get time to bike today nor yesterday, so all you really get here is an ANGRY RANT. Because while I drink the coffee black and the tea without sugar, I like my happy endings, DAMN IT.

19 January 2017

Daniel Pocock: Which movie most accurately forecasts the Trump presidency?

Many people have been scratching their heads wondering what the new US president will really do and what he really stands for. His alternating positions on abortion, for example, suggest he may simply be telling people what he thinks is most likely to win public support from one day to the next. Will he really waste billions of dollars building a wall? Will Muslims really be banned from the US? As it turns out, several movies provide a thought-provoking insight into what could eventuate. What's more, these two have a creepy resemblance to the Trump phenomenon and many of the problems in the world today. Countdown to Looking Glass On the classic cold war theme of nuclear annihilation, Countdown to Looking Glass is probably far more scary to watch on Trump eve than in the era when it was made. Released in 1984, the movie follows a series of international crises that have all come to pass: the assassination of a US ambassador in the middle east, a banking crisis and two superpowers in an escalating conflict over territory. The movie even picked a young Republican congressman for a cameo role: he subsequently went on to become speaker of the house. To relate it to modern times, you may need to imagine it is China, not Russia, who is the adversary but then you probably won't be able to sleep after watching it. cleaning out the swamp? The Omen Another classic is The Omen. The star of this series of four horror movies, Damien Thorn, appears to have a history that is eerily reminiscent of Trump: born into a wealthy family, a series of disasters befall every honest person he comes into contact with, he comes to control a vast business empire acquired by inheritance and as he enters the world of politics in the third movie of the series, there is a scene in the Oval Office where he is flippantly advised that he shouldn't lose any sleep over any conflict of interest arising from his business holdings. Did you notice Damien Thorn and Donald Trump even share the same initials, DT?

17 July 2016

Lisandro Dami n Nicanor P rez Meyer: KDEPIM ready to be more broadly tested

As was posted a couple of weeks ago, the latest version of KDEPIM has been uploaded to unstable.

All packages are now uploaded and built and we believe this version is ready to be more broadly tested.

If you run unstable but have refrained from installing the kdepim packages up to now, we would appreciate it if you go ahead and install them now, reporting any issues that you may find.

Given that this is a big update that includes quite a number of plugins and libraries, it's strongly recommended that you restart your KDE session after updating the packages.

Happy hacking,

The Debian Qt/KDE Team.

Note lun jul 18 08:58:53 ART 2016: Link fixed and s/KDE/KDEPIM/.

3 July 2016

Lisandro Dami n Nicanor P rez Meyer: Upcoming KDEPIM changes in unstable (KMail, Kontact, KOrganizer, etc)

For those who care about kdepim (kmail, kontact, korganizer, etc)

Currently the latest version of kdepim is available in experimental. According to our limited tests it's working way better than kdepim 4.14 (more stable, more performant, less bugs). However migrating from one to the other is not a trivial process (distribution wise, hopefully not for our users).

Among the drawbacks in the new kdepim: knode, ktimetracker and kjots were dropped from the official kdepim components. kjots is now an independent project, not tied to the kdepim release cycle. But more importantly, knode and ktimetracker are not maintained upstream any more, we are temporarily still shipping the old KDE 4 versions, but we will drop them after stretch unless they get new upstream maintainers.

To iron out the wrinkles that are surely still there, we are now planning to start a transition for kdepim, effectively blocking all kdepim related packages in unstable until the transition is complete. This will allow us to keep the current kdepim in testing unchanged until kdepim 16.04 is ready to migrate fully to testing.

If you want to test the new kdepim versions right now, please use the version in experimental, as uploading all the packages to unstable will take some time until there is a working kdepim in unstable (mixing experimental and the unstable uploads should be fine).

If you depend on having a working kdepim, please avoid installing the new kdepim packages that will be landing in unstable in the following days, until all the components are available. We expect this will take a couple of weeks, we will post another entry when the packages are ready in unstable.

A list of the binary packages involved in the transition can be found [here].

If you find issues in the new packages, please let us know either via irc in #debian-kde, the kde mailing list, or send us a bug report (please make sure that it wasn't reported before).

We'll send an updated note when kdepim is fully uploaded to unstable.

Happy hacking,

The Debian Qt/KDE Team.

26 May 2016

Lisandro Dami n Nicanor P rez Meyer: Do you want Qt5's QWebEngine in Debian? Do you have library packaging skills? If so, step up!

So far the only missing submodule in Debian's Qt5 stack is QtWebEngine. None of us the current Qt maintainers have the time/will to do the necessary stuff to have it properly packaged.

So if you would like to have QtWebEngine in Debian and:

Then you are the right person for this task. Do not hesitate in pinging me on #debian-kde,

28 March 2016

Rhonda D'Vine: Ich bin was ich bin

As my readers probably are well aware, I wrote my transgender coming out poem Mermaids over 10 years ago, to make it clear to people how I define, what I am and how I would hope they could accept me. I did put it publicly into my blog so I could point people to it. And I still do so regularly. It still comes from the bottom of my heart. And I am very happy that I got the chance to present it in a Poetry Slam last year, it was even recorded and uploaded to YouTube. There is just one thing that I was also told over the time every now and then by some people that I would have liked to understand what's going on: Why is it in English, my English isn't that good. My usual response was along the lines of that the events that triggered me writing it were in an international context and I wanted to make sure that they understood what I wrote. At that time I didn't realize that I am cutting out a different group of people from being able to understand what's going on inside me. So this year there was a similar event: the Flawless Poetry Slam which touched the topics of Feminist? Queer? Gender? Rolemodels? - Let's talk about it. I took that as motivation to finally write another text on the topic, and this time in German. Unfortunately though I wasn't able to present it that evening, I wasn't drawn for the lineup. But, I was told that there was another slam going on just last wednesday, so I went there ... and made it onto the stage! And this is the text that I presented there. I am uncertain how well online translators work for you, but I hope you get the core points if you don't understand German:
Ich bin was ich bin
F nf Worte mit wahrem Sinn:
Ich bin was ich bin Du denkst: "Mann im Rock?
Das ist ja wohl l cherlich,
der ist sicher schwul." "Fingernagellack?
Na da schau ich nicht mehr hin,
wer will das schon seh'n." Jedoch liegst du falsch,
Mit all deinen Punkten, denn:
Ich bin was ich bin. Ich bin Transgender
Und erlebe mich selber,
ich bin eine Frau. "Haha, eine Frau?
Wem willst du das weismachen?
Heb mal den Rock hoch!" Und wie ist's bei dir?
Was ist zwischen den Beinen?
Geht mich das nichts an? Warum fragst du mich?
Da ist's dann in Ordnung?
Oder vielleicht nicht? Ich bin was ich bin
F nf Worte mit ernstem Sinn:
Ich bin was ich bin Ich steh weiblich hier
Und das hier ist mein K rper
Mein Geschlecht ist's auch Oberfl chlichkeit
Das ist mein gr tes Problem
Schl gt mir entgegen Wenn ich mich ffne
Verst ndnis fast berall
Es wird akzeptiert Doch gelegentlich
und das schmerzt mich am meisten
sagt doch mal wer "er" Von Fremden? Egal
Doch hab ich mich ge ffnet
Ist es eine Qual "Ich seh dich als Mann"
Da ist, was es transportiert
Akzeptanz? Dahin Meine Pronomen
Wenn ihr ber mich redet
sind sie, ihr, ihres Ich leb was ich leb
F nf Worte mit tiefem Sinn:
Ich bin was ich bin "Doch, wie der erst spricht!
Ich meinte, wie sie denn spricht!
Das ist nicht normal." Ich schreib hier Haikus:
Japanische Gedichtsform
Mit fixem Versmars Sind f nf, sieben, f nf
Silben in jeder Zeile
Haikus sind simpel Probier es mal aus
Transportier eine Message
Es macht auch viel Spa Wortwahl ist wichtig
Ein guter Thesaurus hilft
Sei kurz und pr gnant Ich sag was ich sag
F nf Worte mit klugem Sinn:
Ich bin was ich bin Doch ich schweife ab
Verst ndnis fast berall?
Wird es akzeptiert? Erstaunlicherweise
Doch ich bin auch was and'res
Und hier geht's bergab Eine Sache gibt's
Die erw h'n ich besser nicht
f r die steck ich ein "Deshalb bin ich hier"
So der Titel eines Lieds
verfasst von Thomas D "Wenn ich erkl re
warum ich mich wie ern hr"
So weit komm ich nicht Man erw hnt Vegan
Die Intoleranz ist da
Man ist unten durch "Mangelerscheinung!"
"Das Essen meines Essens!"
Akzeptanz ade Hab 'ne Theorie:
Vegan sein: 'ne Entscheidung
Transgender sein nicht Mensch f hlt sich dann schlecht
dass bei sich selbst die Kraft fehlt
und greift damit an "Ich k nnte das nicht"
Ich verurteile dich nicht
Iss doch was du willst Ich zwing es nicht auf
Aber R cksicht w r schon fein
Statt nur Hohn und Schm h Ich ess was ich ess
F nf Worte zum nachdenken:
Ich bin was ich bin
Hope you get the idea. The audience definitely liked it, the jury wasn't so much on board but that's fine, it's five random people and it's mostly for fun anyway. Later that night though some things happened that didn't make me feel so comfortable anymore. I went to the loo, waiting in line with the other ladies, a bit later the waitress came along telling me "the men's room is over there". I told her that I'm aware of that and thanked her, which got her confused and said something along the lines of "so you are both, or what?" but went away after that. Her tone and response wasn't really giving me much comfort, though none of the other ladies in the line did look strangely.
But the most disturbing event after that was to find out about North Carolina signed the bathroom bill making it illegal for trans people to use the bathroom for their gender and insisting on using the one for the gender they were assigned at birth. So men like James Sheffield are now forced to go to the lady's restroom, or face getting arrested. Brave new world. :/ So, enjoy the text and don't get too wound up by stupid laws and hope for time to fix people's discriminatory minds for fixing issues that already are regulated: Assaults are assaults and are already banned. Arguing with people might get assaulted and thus discriminating trans people is totally missing the point, by miles.

/personal permanent link Comments: 2 Flattr this

14 February 2016

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 42 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort between February 7th and February 13th 2016:

Toolchain fixes
  • James McCoy uploaded devscripts/2.16.1 which makes dcmd supports .buildinfo files. Original patch by josch.
  • Lisandro Dami n Nicanor P rez Meyer uploaded qt4-x11/4:4.8.7+dfsg-6 which make files created by qch reproducible by using a fixed date instead of the current time. Original patch by Dhole.
Norbert Preining rejected the patch submitted by Reiner Herrmann to make the CreationDate not appear in comments of DVI / PS files produced by TeX. He also mentioned that some timestamps can be replaced by using the -output-comment option and that the next version of pdftex will have patches inspired by reproducible build to mitigate the effects (see SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH patches) .

Packages fixed The following packages have become reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: abntex, apt-dpkg-ref, arduino, c++-annotations, cfi, chaksem, clif, cppreference-doc, dejagnu, derivations, ecasound, fdutils, gnash, gnu-standards, gnuift, gsequencer, gss, gstreamer0.10, gstreamer1.0, harden-doc, haskell98-report, iproute2, java-policy, libbluray, libmodbus, lizardfs, mclibs, moon-buggy, nurpawiki, php-sasl, shishi, stealth, xmltex, xsom. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them: Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet:
  • #813944 on cvm by Reiner Herrmann: remove gzip headers, fix permissions of some directories and the order of the md5sums.
  • #814019 on latexdiff by Reiner Herrmann: remove the current build date from documentation.
  • #814214 on rocksdb by Chris Lamb: add support for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH. A new armhf build node has been added (thanks to Vagrant Cascadian) and integrated into the Jenkins setup for 4 new armhf builder jobs. (h01ger) All packages for Debian testing (Stretch) have been tested on armhf in just 42 days. It took 114 days to get the same point for unstable back when the armhf test infrastructure was much smaller. Package sets have been enabled for testing on armhf. (h01ger) Packages producing architecture-independent ( Arch:all ) binary packages together with architecture dependent packages targeted for specific architectures will now only be tested on matching architectures. (Steven Chamberlain, h01ger) As the Jenkins setup is now made of 252 different jobs, the overview has been split into 11 different smalller views. (h01ger)

Package reviews 222 reviews have been removed, 110 added and 50 updated in the previous week. 35 FTBFS reports were made by Chris Lamb, Danny Edel, and Niko Tyni.

Misc. The recordings of Ludovic Court s' talk at FOSDEM 16 about reproducible builds and GNU Guix is now available. One can also have a look at slides from Fabian Keil's talk about ElecrtroBSD and Baptiste Daroussin's talk about FreeBSD packages.

21 September 2015

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 21 in Stretch cycle

If you see someone on the Debian ReproducibleBuilds project, buy him/her a beer. This work is awesome. What happened in the reproducible builds effort this week: Media coverage Nathan Willis covered our DebConf15 status update in Linux Weekly News. Access to non-LWN subscribers will be given on Thursday 24th. Linux Journal published a more general piece last Tuesday. Unexpected praise for reproducible builds appeared this week in the form of several iOS applications identified as including spyware. The malware was undetected by Apple screening. This actually happened because application developers had simply downloaded a trojaned version of XCode through an unofficial source. While reproducible builds can't really help users of non-free software, this is exactly the kind of attacks that we are trying to prevent in our systems. Toolchain fixes Niko Tyni wrote and uploaded a better patch for the source order problem in libmodule-build-perl. Tristan Seligmann identified how the code generated by python-cffi could be emitted in random order in some cases. Upstream has already fixed the problem. Packages fixed The following 24 packages became reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: apache-curator, checkbox-ng, gant, gnome-clocks, hawtjni, jackrabbit, jersey1, libjsr305-java, mathjax-docs, mlpy, moap, octave-geometry, paste, pdf.js, pyinotify, pytango, python-asyncssh, python-mock, python-openid, python-repoze.who, shadow, swift, tcpwatch-httpproxy, transfig. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues but not all of them: Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet: Tests for Coreboot, OpenWrt, NetBSD, and FreeBSD now runs weekly (instead of monthly). diffoscope development Python 3 offers new features (namely yield from and concurrent.futures) that could help implement parallel processing. The clear separation of bytes and unicode strings is also likely to reduce encoding related issues. Mattia Rizolo thus kicked the effort of porting diffoscope to Python 3. tlsh was the only dependency missing a Python 3 module. This got quickly fixed by a new upload. The rest of the code has been moved to the point where only incompatibilities between Python 2.7 and Pyhon 3.4 had to be changed. The commit stream still require some cleanups but all tests are now passing under Python 3. Documentation update The documentation on how to assemble the weekly reports has been updated. (Lunar) The example on how to use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH with CMake has been improved. (Ben Beockel, Daniel Kahn Gillmor) The solution for timestamps in man pages generated by Sphinx now uses SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH. (Mattia Rizzolo) Package reviews 45 reviews have been removed, 141 added and 62 updated this week. 67 new FTBFS reports have been filled by Chris Lamb, Niko Tyni, and Lisandro Dami n Nicanor P rez Meyer. New issues added this week: randomness_in_r_rdb_rds_databases, python-ply_compiled_parse_tables. Misc. The prebuilder script is now properly testing umask variations again. Santiago Villa started a discussion on debian-devel on how binNMUs would work for reproducible builds.

5 September 2015

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer: Important Akonadi fix in today's Debian Jessie's update (aka 8.2)

Todays Debian Jessie's update brings a fix in Akonadi that you certainly want in your system.

There was a bug in Akonadi that made it leak files. And if you use Kmail you will certainly want to keep reading: most of us who tested it before pushing it to testing (and now to stable) removed more than 4 GiB of useless data from our homes.

The bug that makes Akonadi leak files gets solved with the latest stable update (and has been in testing for a couple of months already). But you need to purge the leaked files. It's pretty easy: with your normal user account just run:

akonadictl fsck

That's all. After a while you will get back a lot of disk space. Note that you don't need the Akonadi fix in order to run this tool and recover your space. The fix just makes sure this won't happen again.

28 July 2015

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer: Plasma/KF5 : Testing situation

Dear Debian/KDE users,

We are aware that the current situation in testing is very unfortunate, with two main issues:

  1. systemsettings transitioned to testing before the corresponding KDE Control Modules. The result is that systemsettings displays an empty screen. This is tracked in the following bug
  2. plasmoids such as plasma-nm transitioned to testing before plasma-desktop 5. The result is that the plasmoid are no longer displayed in the system tray.

We are working on getting plasma-desktop to transition to testing as soon as possible (hopefully in 2 days time), which will resolve both those issues. We appreciate that the transition to KF5 is much rougher than we would have liked, and apologize to all those impacted.

On behalf of the Qt/KDE team,

26 May 2015

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer: The last planned Qt 4 release is here: Qt 4.8.7. Is your app runnning with Qt5?

Qt 4.8.7 has been released today. Quoting from the blog post (emphasis is mine):

Many users have already moved their active projects to Qt 5 and we encourage also others to do so. With a high degree of source compatibility, we have ensured that switching to Qt 5 is smooth and straightforward. It should be noted that Qt 4.8.7 provides only the basic functionality to run Qt based applications on Mac OS X 10.10, full support is in Qt 5.

Qt 4.8.7 is planned to be the last patch release of the Qt 4 series. Standard support is available until December 2015, after which extended support will be available. We recommend all active projects to migrate to Qt 5, as new operating systems and compilers with Qt 4.8 will not be supported. If you have challenges migrating to Qt 5, please contact us or some of our service partners for assistance

Have you started to port your project?

1 May 2015

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer: Qt4's status and Qt4's webkit removal in Stretch

Hi everyone! As you might know Qt4 has been deprecated (in the sense "you better start to port your code") since Qt5's first release in December 19th 2012. Since that point on Qt4 received only bugfixes. Upstream is about to release the last point release, 4.8.7. This means that only severe bugs like security ones will get a chance to get solved.

Moreover upstream recommended keeping Qt4 until 2017. If we get a Debian release every 2 years that will make Jessie oldstable in 2017 and deprecated in 2018. This means we should really consider starting to port code using Qt4 to Qt5 during Stretch's developing life cycle.

It is important to note that Qt4 depends on a number of dependencies that their maintainers might want to get removed from the archive for similar reasons. In this case we will simply don't hesitate in removing their support as long as Qt4 keeps building. This normally doesn't mean API/ABI breakage but missing plugins that will diminish functionality from your apps, maybe even key ones. As an example let's take the **hypothetical** case in which the libasound2 maintainers are switching to a new libasound3 which is not API-compatible and removing libasound2 in the process. In this case we will have no choice but to remove the dependency and drop the functionality it provides. This is another of the important reasons why you should be switching to Qt5.

Qt4's webkit removalWebkit is definitely not an easy piece of code to maintain. For starters it means having a full copy of the code in the archive for both Qt4 and Qt5. Now add to that the fact that the code evolves quickly and thus having upstream support even for security bugs will be getting harder and harder. So we decided to remove Qt4's webkit from the archive. Of course we still have a lot of KDE stuff using Qt4's webkit, so it won't disappear "soon", but it will at some point.

PortingSome of us where involved in various Qt4 to Qt5 migrations [0] and we know for sure that porting stuff from Qt4 to Qt5 is much much easier and less painful than it was from Qt3 to Qt4.

We also understand that there is still a lot of software still using Qt4. In order to ease the transition time we have provided Wheezy backports for Qt5.

Don't forget to take a look at the C++ API changes page [1] whenever you start porting your application.


Temporarily shipping both Qt4 and Qt5 builds of your libraryIn case you maintain a library chances are that upstream already provides a way to build it using Qt5. Please note there is no point in shipping an application built with both flavours, please use Qt5 whenever possible. This double compilation should be left only for libraries.

You can't mix Qt4 and Qt5 in the same binary, but you may provide libraries compiled against one or the other. For example, your source package foo could provide both libqt4foo1 and libqt5foo1. You need to mangle your debian/rules and/or build system accordingly to achieve this.

A good example both for upstream code allowing both styles of compilation and debian packaging is phonon. Take a look at the CMakeLists.txt files for seeing how a source can be built against both flavours and another to debian/rules to see an example of how to handle the compilation. Just bear in mind that you
need to replace $(overridden_command) with the command itself, that variable substitution comes from internal stuff from our team and you should not be using it without a very good reason. If in doubt, feel free to ask us on IRC [2] or on the mailing list [3].

[2] #debian-kde

TimelineWe plan to start filing wishlist bugs soon. Once we get most of KDE stuff running with Qt5's webkit we will start raising the severities.

1 April 2015

Raphaël Hertzog: My Free Software Activities in March 2015

My monthly report covers a large part of what I have been doing in the free software world. I write it for my donators (thanks to them!) but also for the wider Debian community because it can give ideas to newcomers and it s one of the best ways to find volunteers to work with me on projects that matter to me. Debian LTS This month I have been paid to work 15.25 hours on Debian LTS. In that time I did the following: That s it for the paid work. But still about LTS, I proposed two events for Debconf 15: A Debian LTS logoIn my last Freexian LTS report, I mentioned briefly that it would be nice to have a logo for the LTS project. Shortly after I got a first logo prepared by Damien Escoffier and a few more followed: they are available on a wiki page (and the logo you see above is from him!). Following a suggestion of Paul Wise, I registered the logo request on another wiki page dedicated to artwork requests. That kind of collaboration is awesome! Thanks to all the artists involved in Debian. Debian packaging Django. This month has seen no less than 3 upstream point releases packaged for Debian (1.7.5, 1.7.6 and 1.7.7) and they have been accepted by the release team into Jessie. I m pleased with this tolerance as I have argued the case for it multiple times in the past given the sane upstream release policy (bugfix only in a given released branch). Python code analysis. I discovered a few months ago a tool combining the power of multiple Python code analysis tools: it s prospector. I just filed a Request for Package for it (see #781165) and someone already volunteered to package it, yay \o/ update-rc.d and systemd. While working on a Kali version based on Jessie, I got hit by what boils down to a poor interaction between systemd and update-rc.d (see #746580) and after some exchanges with other affected users I raised the severity to serious as we really ought to do something about it before release. I also opened #781155 on openbsd-inetd as its usage of inetd.service instead of openbsd-inetd.service (which is only provided as a symlink to the former) leads to multiple small issues. Misc Debian France. The general assembly is over and the new board elected its new president: it s now official, I m no longer Debian France s president. Good luck to Nicolas Dandrimont who took on this responsibility. Salt s openssh formula. I improved salt s openssh formula to make it possible to manage the /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts file referencing the public SSH keys of other managed minions. I was looking for a free software solution to handle membership management of a large NPO and I discovered Tendenci. It looked very interesting feature wise and written with a language/framework that I enjoy (Python/Django). But while it s free software, there s no community at all. The company that wrote it released it under a free software license and it really looks like that they did intend to build a community but they failed at it. When I looked their development forums were web-based and mostly empty with only initial discussion of the current developers and no reply from anybody there s also no mention of an IRC channel or a mailing list. I sent them a mail to see what kind of collaboration we could expect if we opted for their software and got no reply. A pity, really. What free software membership management solution would you use when you have more than 10000 members to handle and when you want to use the underlying database to offer SSO authentication to multiple external services? Thanks See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

2 comments Liked this article? Click here. My blog is Flattr-enabled.

6 November 2014

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer: Early announce: Qt4 removal in Jessie+1

We the Debian Qt/KDE Team want to early-announce [maintainer warning] our decision to remove Qt4 from Jessie+1. This warning is mostly targeted at upstreams.

Qt4 has been deprecated since Qt5's first release on December 19th 2012, that means almost two years ago!

So far we had bugfixes-only releases, but upstream has announced that they will end this support on august 2015. This already means we will have to do a special effort from that point on for Jessie in case RC bugs appears, so having it in Jessie+1 is simply a non-go.

Some of us where involved in various Qt4 to Qt5 migrations [0] and we know for sure that porting stuff from Qt4 to Qt5 is much much easier and less painful than it was from Qt3 to Qt4.

We also understand that there is still a lot of software still using Qt4. In order to easy the transition time we have provided Wheezy backports for Qt5.

Don't forget to take a look at the C++ API change page [1] whenever you start porting your application.


[maintainer warning] **Remember the freeze** and do not upload packages ported to Qt5 to unstable. The best thing you can do now is to ask your upstream if the code can be compiled against Qt5 and, why not, try it yourself.

Our first priority now is to release Jessie, and this is why this is an early announce.

9 October 2014

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer: Qt 5.3.2 in Wheezy-backports: just a few hours away

In more or less 24 hs a few days most of Qt 5.3.2 will be available as a Wheezy backport. That means that if you are using Debian stable you don't need to wait for Jessie: just wait a few hours, add wheezy-backports's repo to your sources.list and get it :)

The rest of Qt 5 will arrive soon.

This is the same version that will be shipped in Jessie, so whatever you develop with it will work with the next Debian stable release :)

Don't forget: you better start porting your Qt4 apps to Qt5!

Note 2014-10-10: uups, it will still take a few days, but it will be there soon :)

Note 2014-10-15: currently building!

30 September 2014

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer: Qt5 in Jessie: we will release with 5.3.2

Qt 5.3.2 has entered testing a few hours ago. This will be the version of Qt we will release with Debian Jessie, and it happens to be a nice coincidence, because upstream focused in stability for the 5.3 branch.

I'll now focus in fixing as many bugs as possible and in backporting Qt5 to Wheezy.

Let me warn you: if you are an upstream for a Qt4 based project be sure to be ready to switch to Qt5. If you are a maintainer of a Qt4 based project you better start asking your upstream to be ready for it :)

6 September 2014

Russ Allbery: Accumulated hauls

I haven't made one of these in a long time, so I have some catching from random purchases to do, which includes a (repurposed) nice parting gift from my previous employer and a trip to Powell's since I was in the area for DebConf14. This also includes the contents of the Hugo voter's packet, which contained a wide variety of random stuff even if some of the novels were represented only by excerpts. John Joseph Adams (ed.) The Mad Scientist's Guide to World Domination (sff anthology)
Roger McBride Allen The Ring of Charon (sff)
Roger McBride Allen The Shattered Sphere (sff)
Iain M. Banks The Hydrogen Sonata (sff)
Julian Barnes The Sense of an Ending (mainstream)
M. David Blake (ed.) 2014 Campbellian Anthology (sff anthology)
Algis Budrys Benchmarks Continued (non-fiction)
Algis Budrys Benchmarks Revisited (non-fiction)
Algis Budrys Benchmarks Concluded (non-fiction)
Edgar Rice Burroughs Carson of Venus (sff)
Wesley Chu The Lives of Tao (sff)
Ernest Cline Ready Player One (sff)
Larry Correia Hard Magic (sff)
Larry Correia Spellbound (sff)
Larry Correia Warbound (sff)
Sigrid Ellis & Michael Damien Thomas (ed.) Queer Chicks Dig Time Lords (non-fiction)
Neil Gaiman The Ocean at the End of the Lane (sff)
Max Gladstone Three Parts Dead (sff)
Max Gladstone Two Serpents Rise (sff)
S.L. Huang Zero Sum Game (sff)
Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson The Wheel of Time (sff)
Drew Karpyshyn Mass Effect: Revelation (sff)
Justin Landon & Jared Shurin (ed.) Speculative Fiction 2012 (non-fiction)
John J. Lumpkin Through Struggle, the Stars (sff)
L. David Marquet Turn the Ship Around! (non-fiction)
George R.R. Martin & Raya Golden Meathouse Man (graphic novel)
Ramez Naam Nexus (sff)
Eiichiro Oda One Piece Volume 1 (manga)
Eiichiro Oda One Piece Volume 2 (manga)
Eiichiro Oda One Piece Volume 3 (manga)
Eiichiro Oda One Piece Volume 4 (manga)
Alexei Panshin New Celebrations (sff)
K.J. Parker Devices and Desires (sff)
K.J. Parker Evil for Evil (sff)
Sofia Samatar A Stranger in Olondria (sff)
John Scalzi The Human Division (sff)
Jonathan Straham (ed.) Fearsome Journeys (sff anthology)
Vernor Vinge The Children of the Sky (sff)
Brian Wood & Becky Cloonan Demo (graphic novel)
Charles Yu How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe (sff) A whole bunch of this is from the Hugo voter's packet, and since the Hugos are over, much of that probably won't get prioritized. (I was very happy with the results of the voting, though.) Other than that, it's a very random collection of stuff, including a few things that I picked up based on James Nicoll's reviews. Now that I have a daily train commute, I should pick up the pace of reading, and as long as I can find enough time in my schedule to also write reviews, hopefully there will be more content in this blog shortly.

29 May 2014

Enrico Zini: wheezy-for-industrial-development

Wheezy for industrial software development I'm helping with setting up a wheezy-based toolchain for industrial automation. The basic requirements are: live-build, C++11, Qt 5.3, and a frozen internal wheezy mirror. debmirror A good part of a day's work was lost because of #749734 and possibly #628779. Mirror rebuild is still ongoing, and fingers crossed. This is Italy, and you can't simply download 21Gb of debs just to see how it goes. C++11 Stable toolchains for C++11 now exist and have gained fast adoption. It makes sense, since given what is in C++11 it is unthinkable to start a new C++ project with the old standard nowadays. C++11 is supported by g++ 4.8+ or clang 3.3+. None of them is available on wheezy or wheezy-backports. Backports exist of g++ 4.8 only for Ubuntu 12.04, but they are uninstallable on wheezy due at least to a different libc6. I tried rebuilding g++4.8 on wheezy but quickly gave up. clang 3.3 has a build dependency on g++ 4.8. LOL. However, LLVM provides an APT repository with their most recent compiler, and it works, too. C++11 problem solved! Qt 5.3 Qt 5.3 is needed because of the range of platforms it can target. There is no wheezy backport that I can find. I cannot simply get it from Qt's Download page and install it, since we need it packaged, to build live ISOs with it. I'm attempting to backport the packages from experimental to wheezy. Here are its build dependencies: libxcb-1.10 (needed by qt5) Building this is reasonably straightforward. libxkbcommon 0.4.0 (needed by qt5) The version from jessie builds fine on wheezy, provided you remove --fail-missing from the dh_install invocation. libicu 52.1 (needed by harfbuzz) The jessie packages build on wheezy, provided that mentions of clang are deleted from source/, since it fails to build with clang 3.5 (the one currently available for wheezy on libharfbuzz-dev Backporting this is a bloodbath: the Debian packages from jessie depend on a forest of gobject hipsterisms of doom, all unavailable on wheezy. I gave up. qt 5.3 qtbase-opensource-src-5.3.0+dfsg can be made to build with an embedded version of harfbuzz, with just this change:
diff -Naur a/debian/control a/debian/control
--- a/debian/control    2014-05-20 18:48:27.000000000 +0200
+++ b/debian/control    2014-05-29 17:45:31.037215786 +0200
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
-               libharfbuzz-dev,
diff -Naur a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
--- a/debian/rules  2014-05-18 01:56:37.000000000 +0200
+++ b/debian/rules  2014-05-29 17:45:25.738634371 +0200
@@ -108,7 +108,6 @@
                -plugin-sql-tds \
                -system-sqlite \
                -platform $(platform_arg) \
-               -system-harfbuzz \
                -system-zlib \
                -system-libpng \
                -system-libjpeg \
(thanks Lisandro Dami n Nicanor P rez Meyer for helping me there!) There are probably going to be further steps in the Qt5 toolchain. Actually, let's try prebuilt binaries The next day with a fresh mind we realised that it is preferable to reduce our tampering with the original wheezy to a minimum. Our current plan is to use wheezy's original Qt and Qt-using packages, and use Qt's prebuilt binaries in /opt for all our custom software. We run Qt's installer, tarred the result, and wrapped it in a Debian package like this:
$ cat debian/rules
#!/usr/bin/make -f
    dh $@
    sed -re 's/@QT_VERSION@/$(QT_VERSION)/g' >
    # Download and untar the prebuild Qt5 binaries
    install -d -o root -g root -m 0755 debian/our-qt5-sdk/opt/Qt
    curl http://localserver/Qt$(QT_VERSION).tar.xz   xz -d   tar -C debian/our-qt5-sdk/opt -xf -
    # Move the runtime part to our-qt5
    install -d -o root -g root -m 0755 debian/our-qt5/opt/Qt
    mv debian/our-qt5-sdk/opt/Qt/$(QT_VERSION) debian/our-qt5/opt/Qt/
    # Makes dpkg-shlibdeps work on packages built with Qt from /opt
    # Hack. Don't try this at home. Don't ever do this unless you
    # know what you are doing. This voids your warranty. If you
    # know what you are doing, you won't do this.
    find debian/our-qt5/opt/Qt/$(QT_VERSION)/gcc_64/lib -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "lib*.so*" \
          sed -re 's,^.+/(lib[^.]+)\.so.+$$,\1 5 our-qt5 (>= $(QT_VERSION)),' > debian/our-qt5.shlibs
$ cat
export PATH := /opt/Qt/@QT_VERSION@/gcc_64/bin:$(PATH)
export QMAKESPEC=/opt/Qt/@QT_VERSION@/gcc_64/mkspecs/linux-clang/
To build one of our packages using Qt5.3 and clang, we just add this to its debian/rules:
include /usr/share/our-qt5/
Wrap up We got the dependencies sorted. Hopefully the mirror will rebuild itself tonight and tomorrow we can resume working on our custom live system.

7 May 2014

Mario Lang: Planet bug: empty alt tags for hackergotchis

There is a strange bug in Planet Debian I am seeing since I joined. It is rather minor, but since it is an accessibility bug, I'd like to mention it here. I have written to the Planet Debian maintainers, and was told to figure it out myself. This is a pattern, accessibility is considered wishlist, apparently. And the affected people are supposed to fix it on their own. It is better if I don't say anything more about that attitude.
The Bug On Planet Debian, only some people have an alt tag for their hackergotchi, while all the configured entries look similar. There is no obvious difference in the configuration, but still, only some users here have a proper alt tag for their hackergotchi. Here is a list:
  • Dirk Eddelbuettel
  • Steve Kemp
  • Wouter Verhelst
  • Mehdi (
  • Andrew Pollock
  • DebConf Organizers
  • Francois Marier
  • The MirOS Project (
  • Paul Tagliamonte
  • Lisandro Dami n Nicanor P rez Meyer (
  • Joey Hess
  • Chris Lamb
  • Mirco Bauer
  • Christine Spang
  • Guido G nther
These people/organisations currently displayed on Planet Debian have a proper alt tag for their hackergotchi. All the other members have none. In Lynx, it looks like the following:
hackergotchi for
And for those where it works, it looks like:
hackergotchi for Dirk Eddelbuettel
Strange, isn't it? If you have any idea why this might be happening, let me know, or even better, tell Planet Debian maintainers how to fix it. P.S.: Package planet-venus says it is a rewrite of Planet, and Planet can be found in Debian as well. I don't see it in unstable, maybe I am blind? Or has it been removed recently? If so, the package description of planet-venus is wrong.

1 May 2014

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer: Call for help from Debian's KDE Team

Hi all!

For quite a while now the KDE team has been severely understaffed. We maintain a lot of packages, with many different kinds of bugs, but we don't have enough people to do all the work that needs to be done. We have tools that help us automate the update to new upstream releases, but that's just the tip of the iceberg of our work and so we are writing to invite more people to get involved in the team and help us get KDE software in Debian into better shape.

Some of the tasks that we need help with are:
  • Bug triaging: there are many many bugs in the BTS. We need people that go through them, understand the problem and how to reproduce it, confirm that they are still present in the latest versions. In particular, there are bugs affecting the version in wheezy, and we need people to go through those as well.
  • Bug forwarding: we are so understaffed that we have been asking users to forward the bugs upstream themselves. Some users do this, but some don't. It would help us a lot to have people in the team in charge of this.
  • Patch forwarding: we have quite a bunch of patches applied in the Debian packages that should be applied upstream. Some need to be generalized instead of being Debian-specific. This work would save us time in the future, so it's very important to get it done.
  • Upgrade-testing: in the past, the upgrade from one Debian stable to the other has been quite traumatic for KDE software users. We need people to try upgrading from wheezy to jessie and report any bugs that they might encounter so that we can fix them ahead of the release.
  • Creating patches: many of the bugs that we have require writing patches, some are easy and some are harder, but any help here would be really appreciated.
  • Packaging other KDE apps: we have packages for the core components of KDE software, but there are many other useful components that still need to get packaged.
  • Updating our welcoming wiki page [1], adding these tasks and any future tasks, and unifying the todo lists [2].
If you are interested in helping with any of these, please join our irc channel #debian-qt-kde in, or our mailing list [3]. We are happy to help you get started.



Maximiliano Curia
On behalf of the KDE team

